• Who can be married at Our Lady of Peace Korean Catholic Center?

    • Anyone who has no impediments for a Catholic marriage and can obtain a valid license from the state of California can potentially be married at Our Lady of Peace. In order to have no impediments to a Catholic marriage, one of the parties must be a baptized and confirmed Catholic, and the Catholic party must promise to do all in his or her power to raise the children in the Catholic faith. After adequate preparation, the couple must promise to stay married for life, provide each other mutual loving support, and be open to having children.

  • Can I have another priest celebrate my wedding at Our Lady of Peace Korean Catholic Center?

    • A couple may invite a visiting priest to witness their marriage at Our Lady of Peace with the permission of the director priest Fr. Daniel and approval, by the bishop of Orange. The couple needs to let the director priest in advanced to make proper arrangements.
  • How do I prepare for marriage?

    • Preparing for your marriage is beyond preparing for the wedding day. It should be oriented to preparation for the rest of your married life. While the sacrament of Holy Matrimony imparts vital graces to the couple, those graces build on the couple's ability to practice natural virtues. Hence, preparation begins with understanding the couple's purpose as married Christians, and how to live this purpose fully.

    • Practically, the wedding coordinator at Our Lady of Peace will connect you with Fr. Daniel and the Witness to Love program. The priest is there to assist you and guide you, but not take responsibility for your preparation. Each individual should take full responsibility for this with their sponsor couple. Details to the Witness to Love program can be found here.

    • Next, You will also be required to participate in a retreat. The retreat is offered through the diocese.

    • Next is to take a the FOCCUS marriage inventory and then meet with either a marriage and family counselor or a married couple trained to review the results of this test. The priest of Our Lady of Peace will help complete registration for the FOCCUS inventory.

    • Finally, depending on the knowledge that both of you individually have of Natural Family Planning (NFP), you will need to attend some classes on NFP. If you prefer classes in Korean, they maybe provided through Our Lady of Peace. If you prefer classes in English, there are classes available online through Couple-to-Couple League or through the diocese.

  • How soon should we begin preparation for marriage?

    • Marriage prep should begin as soon as you decide to marry, or even before as a way to decide if you should be married. Studies have shown that the sooner in a relationship marriage preparation begins the better the marital relationship will grow. However, please start the process by contacting our wedding coordinator at least six months before you wish to marry.
    • Refrain from making any deposits on reception sites until all registration details have been confirmed with the church.
  • How do I reserve the church?

    • You can reserve the church by contacting the Priest Director here.

  • What dates are available?

    • Weddings are generally scheduled on Saturdays, however, at the priest's discretion other days are also possible.
      Dates can be reserved up to one year prior to the date selected.

  • Can the marriage ceremony be held on a Feast Day?

    • The only days that a marriage cannot take place are Good Friday and Holy Saturday. If a wedding Mass is held on Sunday or a solemnity, the readings and prayers for the wedding Mass must be taken from the readings and prayers of the particular solemnity. However, you may replace the first or second reading with one of the approved readings for weddings. You can find a list of Catholic Solemnities here.

  • What is the fee or use of the church?

    • Contact the Priest Director for details.
  • Who can volunteer for the liturgy?

    • Readers should be Catholics who normally read at Sunday Mass rather than simply relatives or friends. The same with Eucharistic ministers. The reading of petitions and bringing up of the gifts at Mass may be performed by any capable person.

  • Can we add flowers and special environmental items to the sanctuary?

    • Flowers are most welcome as long as they do not overpower the altar and placed appropriately.

  • Concerning photography:


      • As long as the photographer does not use flash and does not come between the sanctuary and the congregation, a photographer is welcome to take as many pictures as desired.


      • Because the chapel and sanctuary are sacred spaces intended for the worship of God, it is not appropriate to use them as a studio for posed pictures. Our suggestion would be to take family pictures in one of a number of other suitable spaces in the building. Your photographer should be able to provide a suitable backdrop.


      • The time restraint on pictures will depend on the room used and the other activities scheduled for the building, but normally it should not be an issue.

  • Is there space for the Bridal Party to get ready for the wedding ceremony on Wedding Day?

    • Please arrive at the church dressed for the ceremony. We are not able to accommodate the bridal party arriving early to dress for your wedding ceremony.

  • Further sites for assistance: